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Preparation for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

This Cambridge University ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) certificate is asked for by many universities in English-speaking countries. It is also very useful when applying for a job.

Registration (UNIL members)
Registration (HEP Students)

Learning outcomes

  • Express oneself spontaneously, fluently and precisely in social, professional and academic contexts; convey finer shades of meaning when dealing with complex subjects; when necessary, rephrase one's ideas in a natural way
  • Understand without effort all text types even abstract and linguistically complex, whether or not they relate to one's own field
  • Understand without difficulty speech in a wide range of contexts, take accurate notes
  • Reconstruct facts and arguments from written and oral sources to create a coherent summary
  • Write complex, clear, well-structured texts in an appropriate style, adapted to the target reader (letters, reports, essays, reviews, etc.)
  • Be aware of the socio-cultural implications of the language used by other speakers and react accordingly
  • Apply learning and exam management strategies

Practical information


Pre-registration dates and deadlines




Level descriptor

Structure of the module
(per week)

> Group

2 periods


> Multimedia Centre (EMA)*

1 free-access period


Fixed according to the availability of the participants

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Language Cemter courses are only for members of the UNIL community (with a few exceptions)

All information

*When indicated, the multimedia space for independent learning (EMA) is an integrated part of the course. It can be “online registration” or “free access” (details)


The complete preparation course runs over 2 semesters. We recommend you follow both semesters (Autumn and Spring) – which means re-enrolling for the course the following semester.

You need to pay to take this examination and to sign up yourself (external examination with no connection to the Cdl)