This year, we are coming full circle!
As part of its Open Science strategy, UNIL offers its researchers a 360 support, i.e. in all the Open Access roads:
All of this is enhanced by personalised tools, training, guides and direct support from the Research Service and/or faculty specialists.
This Open Access 2021 week, we unveil UNIL's support for each track from Monday to Thursday and present all the resources and tools available on Friday 29 October.
Come back every day to learn more!
UNIL supports the platinum route by providing a free Open Access publishing and editing platform for journals published internally at the institution.
This is done through the SOAP2 project, a joint project (University of Fribourg, University of Lausanne, HEPVaud, Fachhochschule Luzern and University of Neuchâtel) supported by swissuniversities.
Interested? Learn more at
Gold OA refers to the immediate OA publication of a work (be it an article, chapter or book).
UNIL supports this route through several means:
The Green Road;refers to Open Access publishing by depositing a version of the manuscript in Serval and opening it after an embargo period.
Use it when you are publishing in a subscription or hybrid journal (and the article is not eligible for our Read & Publish licences).
The advantages of following the Green Road are:
UNIL supports the green way by providing a high visibility institutional repository (+2.4 M downloads in 2020), Serval, accompanied by a series of associated services;(courses, tutorials, HelpDesk, help with input by specialists, and others).
The Hybrid Road refers to the immediate OA publishing of an article in a subscription journal. These are journals in which some of the articles are available in OA and the others behind a paywall.
UNIL supports this option exclusively within the framework of institutional licenses with major publishing houses (fees paid directly by the license).
If your title is not eligible for support by one of our licences, UNIL recommends that you follow the green route.
UNIL provides a series of resources to help you find your way through this long list of paths!
Do not hesitate to consult them but do not forget that your faculty specialists are there to support and advise you.
Finding your way
Our Support 360 homepage directs you to the right road.
Then choose the page relating to the right road in the left-hand navigation menu and discover the means made available by UNIL to help you follow it.
Personalised support
Are you still unsure, or would you like to receive advice tailored to your specific situation?
Ask Papago, your Open Access assistant.
You may find an answer to your question in our FAQ.
Would you like to learn more about Open Access?
We offer self-paced training on the Moodle platform.