Pregnancy and breastfeeding protection


Legal provisions and responsibilities

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the health of the pregnant person and the child should be protected. There are legal provisions concerning aspects of such protection at the workplace. Their application at UNIL is described in Direction guidelines 1.38 ("Protection de la santé des femmes enceintes", in French).

The general principles of the management directive "Protection of the health of pregnant women" at UNIL have been translated into english (download).

At UNIL, UniSEP Service is responsible and competent to evaluate activities which are hazardous and/or painful for the pregnant or breastfeeding person. Please do not hesitate to contact UniSEP's pregnancy protection specialists if you consider having a child, are pregnant or brestfeeding. All inquiries are treated confidentially!


Pregnancy notification duty

Any pregnant employee should complete the «danger identification in cas of pregnancy and breastfeeding » formular with their line management at the earliest. This formular can be dowloaded here.

Further steps have to be taken with the Human Resources Department. You will find all the information you need on the human resources website ("Infos administratives" > "Formulaires internes").


Facilities available

In the context of pregnancy and breastfeeding, the University of Lausanne makes the infirmary available to pregnant and/or breastfeeding persons. The list of infirmary rooms at UNIL is available here. Requests for access should be made to


Further information

At UNIL you can contact :

  • The Human Resources Department (SRH) and its HR partners in the faculties and departments for all administrative questions relating to the standards applicable in the case of parenthood or work organisation;
  • Your entity's safety correspondents (list of COSECS) for questions relating to activity-related hazards;
  • The Equal Opportunities Office for all questions related to parenting support measures;
  • Occupational health nurses for all employees' questions related to health protection and ergonomics at the workplace;
  • Community health nurses for all health-related questions from students or any other member of the university community.


Further information is also available from SECO (State secretariat for Economic Affairs) :

SECO's information about pregnancy and breastfeeding (in french)


Being a parent at UNIL?

More information is available for (future) parents at the website Families at UNIL.

  • Families_UNIL.png


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All inquiries are treated confidentially!



Danger identification form

Formulaire online-resize80x106.png

Please send to

Annexe Mouline  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 25 70
Fax +41 21 692 25 75