
Promoting gender equality at UNIL is well established through the Federal Equal Opportunities Program. As a result of the program, the Equal Opportunities Office was set up and a policy on gender equality established at UNIL in 2000.

This policy is now strongly supported by the UNIL Rectorate and forms a core part of its strategic plans. A directive (PDF, in French), issued in 2006 and modified in 2019, details how it should be implemented. UNIL’s equal opportunities action plan develops the Rectorate’s vision and sets out objectives and measures to improve gender equality at the university.

Since 1 August 2021, the Equality, Diversity and Careers Department has been responsible for issues related to equality, diversity and inclusion. This department, headed by Vice-Rector and Professor Liliane Michalik, is responsible for the Equal Opportunities Office.


Portrait of the Vice-Rector Liliane Michalik


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