These workshops offer the women from UNIL's PAT the opportunity to take stock of their professional situation and to develop their skills in order to progress in their careers. In 2022, the offer consists of a basic workshop with coaching and two shorter workshops on a specific theme. These workshops can be taken independently of each other.
Only in French
Basic workshop
In this workshop, you will take stock of your career path and skills, define your professional objectives and develop an action plan to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Through a variety of professional situations, it will allow you to explore ways to best serve your career goals, build credibility, command respect and negotiate with greater ease.
This two-day workshop is highly participative, with individual and group exercises and exchanges of experience. It also includes practical exercises in your own professional context and a free individual coaching session with the trainer.
Marie-Paule Haefliger, psychologist FSP, coach for professionals and companies, trainer
With a contribution from the Equal Opportunities Office
Target audience
Women from UNIL's PAT, all functions
This workshop took place on September 27 and October 11, 2022.
Thematic workshops
Visibility and self-valorization
In many fields and hierarchical levels, women are under-represented, but their visibility is starting to increase. How can you get out of the shadows? What are the ways to promote the quality of your work, your skills and your areas of expertise? How to develop your career?
This two half-day workshop is highly participative, with individual exercises on your own situations and exchanges of experience. It aims to position you at the heart of your career, to make you visible and to value your achievements and skills. The workshop will enable you to define actions adapted to your situation and to implement them.
Marie-Paule Haefliger, FSP psychologist, coach for professionals and companies, trainer
Target audience
Women from UNIL's PAT, all functions
This workshop took place on September 20 and 30, 2022.
Building your CV
This workshop is structured over two half days and aims to extract the essential information to be highlighted in a CV for a job application. It will highlight the writing criteria to be considered in the Swiss job market and will suggest how to present your experience and skills in a striking way. You will be invited to develop a draft CV on which to base your presentation.
Jeta Verbica, occupational psychologist, trainer and coach
Marie-Paule Haefliger, FSP psychologist, coach for professionals and companies, trainer
Target audience
Women from the UNIL's PAT, all functions
This workshop took place on October 31 and November 14, 2022.