Research Datas reflection

Research Data Management

Technological revolutions have led to spectacular innovations in research but have also led to major transformations in social practices. Researchers currently need to focus on ethical process aspects, volume of data produced at each stage of the project, datas traceability, data protection and data processing.


Data storage and archiving

UNIRIS team deals with questions regarding storage and archiving of your research data:
Carmen Jambé, Unicentre

Regarding Open Access at UNIL:
Dr. Micaela Crespo Quesada, Unicentre


Ethics, deontology and scientific integrity

Ethical aspects of the project
Research with or on humans (whether or not subject to the LRH)
Types of patients or participants, information to participants or patients, types of consent
Protection of UNIL research employee

Link to CER-UNIL (Ethical research commission).


Unicentre  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 20 25
Fax +41 21 692 20 15