Funding opportunities for PhD students or Post-docs

Graduate Campus | Reduced teaching load | Publications | Travel Grants | Financing living expenses | Accommodation at Fondation suisse at the CIUP in Paris

Graduate Campus

The Graduate Campus offers career advices and training to postgraduate and doctoral students at UNIL.The graduate campus also helps thesis supervisors and coaches post-docs.


Reduced teaching load

Several teaching release measures are offered at UNIL

The preaward teaching release measure for MA and PAst allows to free up time to write a research project for the SNSF or another funding agency in all domains.

The teaching release measure for MA and MER allows to free up time to supervise a PhD student engaged in his or her SNSF project in Humanities and Social Sciences


Travel Grants

Financing fieldwork, archives visits, participation in symposia

Financing scientific exchanges during PhD


Financing living expenses

If you are committed to UNIL, the first two cases, your contract includes the contribution to social charges, you are AVS/AI/APG/AC insured, you contribute to unemployment and you are covered in the event of an accident.

  1. Either you are hired as an assistant to a professor.
    Job at UNIL
  2. Either you are engaged in a research project submitted by your supervisor: FNS Free Project, European Project, Foundation Project.
  3. Either you work alongside your studies and do your thesis on the fringes of your profession (doctor, lawyer, teacher etc.), you must ensure that in the event of an accident during the thesis, you are covered.
  4. Either you start on self-financing (many dropouts or theses that last and hinder a potential academic career).

Peu de fondations en Suisse offrent des bourses de thèse et très rarement pour des débuts de thèses. A partir de la 2e année, il est possible d'obtenir des petits fonds, mais vous devrez gérer en parallèle l'avancement de votre thèse et la recherche de fonds. Vu que ce sont des dons, vous devrez cotiser à l'AVS, contracter une assurance accident, vous n’aurez pas droit au chômage de façon aisée.

Les Fondations pour l'Université de Lausanne, Sophie Afenduli, Agassiz, Chuard Schmid, Herbette, Lagonico, Zerilli Marimo, etc... distribuent de petits montants (au grand maximum CHF 20’000.-) et ce parfois en fin de thèse.

Bourses pour la Suisse ou pour l’étranger
Scholar ship
Scholar ship: Postes postdoctoraux

Bourse pour aller à l’étranger
Bourses: EMBO, Branco Weiss, WBI, HFSP, Banting, FEBS, Fulbright

Bourse des pays d’origines, pour la promotion des femmes en Sciences
Sciencemag: grants for women in science
For women in science


Accommodation at Fondation suisse at the CIUP in Paris

La maison suisse à la CIUP, Fondation suisse / Pavillon Le Corbusier

UNIL students and researchers may undertake studies or research visits to a higher education or research institution in Paris / Ile-de-France.

There is an advantageous housing possibility at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris. The Swiss house at the CIUP, the Swiss Foundation / Pavillon Le Corbusier, has 46 single rooms of 16 m2.
Candidates are selected on the basis of the following criteria:

  • be of Swiss nationality or possess a C permit,
  • carry out study or research of at least 2 months in a higher education or research institution in Paris / Ile-de-France or an internship of a study program,
  • have completed at least three years at the BA level in a Swiss higher education institution.

Additional information:


Unicentre  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 20 25
Fax +41 21 692 20 15