Accueil et message de bienvenue dès 13h00
Leçon pour les étudiant·e·s & séminaire de recherche :
13h15 – 14h15
DrSc. Guillaume JAUME (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA)
"Advancing Translational Research with AI Assistants in Oncologic Pathology"
14h20 – 15h20
DreSc. Joanna POZNIAK (Laboratory for Molecular Cancer Biology, Leuven, Belgium)
“Single-Cell Dissection of the Melanoma Tumor Microenvironment Unravels Mechanisms of Immunotherapy Resistance”
15h30 – 16h30
DrSc. Sadegh SAGHAFINIA (Francis Crick Institute, London – UK)
“Intratumor Heterogeneity: Shaping Anti-Tumor Response and Resistance to Immunotherapy”
16h35 – 17h35
DrSc. Denis SCHAPIRO (UNI Heidelberg, Heidelberg – Germany)
“From Oncology to Cardiology: Spatial Omics Technologies for Topographic Biomarker Discovery”